Now is the beginning of 2017,it's time to develop your own new design of AW season of 2017.Are you looking for a agent to custom your own design cosmetic toiletry makeup wallet shopping bags by China handbag factory??? Golden Plum from Shenzhen which is the most important high quality handbag manufacturer based in the world,our official website is,you can visit it for more details to get a better understanding of it.
China cosmetic bag factory |
The agent also should familiar with material,such as PU leather,canvas,cotton,oxford,satin,linen,net,felt fabric and so on,we will summit lot of new design material for designer selection,only in this way,new material can give designer more imaginary space,then improve their design accordingly.Off course,Golden Plum is always source the new material and submit color cards for our cosmetic toiletry makeup bags designer clients,such as Sephora,L'Oreal,ASOS,NIVEA...
Golden Plum also full experience in special workmanship,we know how to control cost and have a better workmanship,even if only judge by designer's hand draw,we set up bags sample only 3 - 5 days,some style have print or embroidery,it's better you can give me your design in AI or PDF format.
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Golden Plum is one of the best China handbag factory which is only produce high high quality shopping bags,have our own strict rule to control bulk production goods quality,thus clients all over the world always satisfy with our products and service...
If you interest to cooperation with us,please contact me asap,my contact details as list below,thanks for your time to read my blogger,looking forward to hear from you soon.
Best regards,
Venus Wu
C: HK Golden Plum Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
A: Room 501, Xinle Building, Mumianwan, Buji, Shenzhen, 518112 China
P: 0086 135 2885 6180
We chat, whatsapp, viber: 0086 135 2885 6180