
Custom your own design cosmetic toiletry makeup wallet shopping bags by China handbag factory


Now is the beginning of 2017,it's time to develop your own new design of AW season of 2017.Are you looking for a agent to custom your own design cosmetic toiletry makeup wallet shopping bags by China handbag factory??? Golden Plum from Shenzhen which is the most important high quality handbag manufacturer based in the world,our official website is http://www.chinahandbagfactory.com,you can visit it for more details to get a better understanding of it.

China cosmetic bag factory
A good agent should be understanding designer's idea very well,when we get the designer's tech pack,we know what designer want,then give the professional suggestion to change some details which is not reasonable in order to get a best bag appearance,it's better we can approval wallet sample only in one round.So that we can save cost and time,to spend the smallest cost to get a best effect.

The agent also should familiar with material,such as PU leather,canvas,cotton,oxford,satin,linen,net,felt fabric and so on,we will summit lot of new design material for designer selection,only in this way,new material can give designer more imaginary space,then improve their design accordingly.Off course,Golden Plum is always source the new material and submit color cards for our cosmetic toiletry makeup bags designer clients,such as Sephora,L'Oreal,ASOS,NIVEA...

Golden Plum also full experience in special workmanship,we know how to control cost and have a better workmanship,even if only judge by designer's hand draw,we set up bags sample only 3 - 5 days,some style have print or embroidery,it's better you can give me your design in AI or PDF format.
custom toiletry bags factory

Golden Plum is one of the best China handbag factory which is only produce high high quality shopping bags,have our own strict rule to control bulk production goods quality,thus clients all over the world always satisfy with our products and service...

If you interest to cooperation with us,please contact me asap,my contact details as list below,thanks for your time to read my blogger,looking forward to hear from you soon.

Best regards,
Venus Wu

C: HK Golden Plum Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
A: Room 501, Xinle Building, Mumianwan, Buji, Shenzhen, 518112 China
P: 0086 135 2885 6180
We chat, whatsapp, viber: 0086 135 2885 6180
E: venuswu@chinahandbagfactory.com
W: http://www.chinahandbagfactory.com


China handbag factory together with you to have a Chinese new year festival

Golden Plum the most professional China handbag factory just finished Chinese new year holiday on Feb.5th and start to work on Feb.6th,we are really very happy in this festival. All of us busy, tie with happiness...

one week before Chinese new year, we tidy our house, buy the gifts, domestic bird to our kinsman and friends. and after Chinese new year, the kinsman and friends will call us to their home for eating drinking talking... we reunion with our old friends every year...convention since thousands years ago.

On the day of Chinese new year, we preparing dinner from the morning to afternoon,it's very ceremonious for every Chinese family,children will wear new dress after take a shower, we will plaste the "Spring Festival Couplets" to outside of the door, all the couplets have three parts,Top,left and right, it showing you what's the family desire in the new year. Normally it's red paper with black or golden words. Around P.M. 17:00  - P.M.20:00, every family will have their the most important dinner, all the members of family will sit around the table,the foods will be 6,8 or 10 plate, the number must be plural. We call it "family reunion dinnereunion dinner". We will "open the door" to fire the firecracker in the midnight since 00:00, all the hometown is full of sound "Bang Bang Bang" although it's noise and smell terrible, this status will continue one or two hours...

Do you know why there is a so important festival in China? In the history, China have a story, there is a ferocious wild beast, we call it "Nian", so people here fire the firecracker or beat gongs and sound drums to browbeat the "Nian" until it go away...of course, this is a fairy tale. The fact maybe is that people to work from the beginning to the end, the get a lot of foods in this period,so that want to hold a big patty to celebrate, call their kinsman and friends to their home eating together, it can get more happiness in this way, in the past, the food is not so enough even poor, not like present, so Chinese new year holiday is very very important for us, till now, do you have some idea about our Chinese new year holiday???

I will continue to share with you what happen on Festival 1st, 2nd,3rd... until 15th... haha, it's very interest, please focus on my blogger, as we are professional handbag and cosmetic bags manufacturer in Shenzhen of China, to Hongkong is only 15 mins, established in 2007, have more than 100 workers.Only produce high quality handbag for wholesaler importer brand owner designer and other clients.

Our main products: Handbags, Oxford cosmetic toiletry makeup bags,Jewelry pouch,Cotton shopping bags Tote bags, leather Wallets Purse, shoulder bag, Cooler bags,storage box...