China handbag factory |
2016 is coming to the end,most of the China handbag factory are busy with there orders,only very few bags manufacturers is still remaining room for the new buyers...
Golden Plum is one of the TOP 10 good quality handbag factory in China ,we can accept small order and urgent order,our low MOQ can be low as 50pcs up per order/shipment,sampling can be 1-2 days,production can be 7-10 days,is it very allure for you?
We can rush out your intend goods in short time with low MOQ,what's more is that we only produce high quality products,our QC inspect goods quality piece by piece,we can start our project from your design pattern or pictures,offering custom service to you,silk print or debossed your logo onto bag,all the details such as material,size,color,styling to be completely achieve to your idea...we are good at source material,technology,replica,with full experience over oxford cosmetic bag,pu leather toiletry bags,cotton shopping bags,Genuine Leather Wallet purse,EVA storage bags,non woven Tote bag...we offering professional OEM customized service to you,I am sure you will satisfy with our service and goods.
As we know there is Christmas and new year holiday following,Chinese new year holiday...there will too much not working day during these's hard and hard to source high quality handbag factory for you to produce your goods? Contact us right now,I will give you surprised always, waiting for your soonest information, our contact details as list below:
Best regards,
Venus Wu
C: HK Golden Plum Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
A: Room 501, Xinle Building, Mumianwan, Buji, Shenzhen, 518112 China
P: 0086 135 2885 6180
Skype: venuswu168
We chat, whatsapp, viber: 0086 135 2885 6180