
China handbag factory how to control their goods quality?


We are professional handbag and cosmetic bags manufacturer in Shenzhen of China,how can our factory to control our goods quality? Let China handbag factory to give you our professional way how to do it.

As we know,our factory offer OEM & ODM service to clients such as wholesaler importer or other cosmetic bags buyer...we custom styles according to their styling...

Take our style in website:http://www.chinahandbagfactory.com/men-pu-leather-travel-toiletry-bag-factory-china-shaving-wash-case-organizer-bags-manufacturer-dark-brown-for-protect-shaver-shaving-container-gift-ca-p00454p1.html for example:China handbag factory pu leather cosmetic bag manufacturer in China

1) we get the original sample from buyer,we source the same material from our old supplier,I think they can have a better understanding over material than us,in case we can't find out the right material,we will submit several very simillar style for buyer selection,so the first step is to ensure we can get a correct material to prepare sample,this step is very important,otherwise,if the material is not buyer want,the following steps is waste time...

2) we issue the paper pattern according to original cosmetic bag sample,and then open moldto cut pu leather into pieces,arrange a mock up to see whether there is any problem until all details is perfect,so we can sampling it.

China handbag factory cosmetic bag manufacturer

After buyer confirm the sample's quality,let's go to the bulk production quality control step.

1)we should list a BOM to prepare bulk goods material,we will book 3%-5%  more to to order quantity,it depends on order big or small,to ensure all the material is enough for production,if we it's not enough and need to book again, it's very easy to lead quality problem,such as color shade thickness etc...

2)after bulk material back to factory,we will check the quality and quantity whether is ok or not,and use it to arrange a new pre-production sample for ourself approval used.after everything is ok,then we go to cut faux pu leather into piece, and arrange worker to check quality pc by pc,to select out the one which have quality problem,all of these works with a hope that we can get the good quality material into next step...then sewing pu piece into finished products,cutting the threadend,so that our qc will inspect goods quality pc by pc,selet the one which have quality problem to repair it,finally pack the perfect goods into polybag and carton.
China cosmetic bag factory wallet purse manufacturer pu lether bag wholesale

All of our work is to control quality step by step,every step have QC to control quality,only in this way,we can reduce & control quality problem,do you think we are profession or not,or do you have any other goods suggestion and other inquiry,please feel free to vist our website:www.chinahandbagfactory.com or contact with us to discuss it,with hope that the goods quality is worth the value,and let our customer trust our quality and brand. 

We promise:
1) we reply to your email within 24 hours.
2) simple style sampling will only take us 3-5 days, for complicated styles such as need to open mold will around 7-10 days.
3) Production less than 30 days once got deposit.
4) 100% piece by piece control quality by our QC before shipment.
5) we guarantee all the goods quality problem which made by us.

Best regards,
Venus Wu

C: HK Golden Plum Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
A: Room 501, Xinle Building, Mumianwan, Buji, Shenzhen, 518112 China
P: 0086 135 2885 6180
We chat, whatsapp, viber: 0086 135 2885 6180
E: venuswu@chinahandbagfactory.com
W: www.chinahandbagfactory.com

China handbag factory working room

