Chinese new year is on Jan.27th,2017. There is only remain only 12 days left for Chinese to prepare for their long holiday… for China handbag factory,most of bags factories must to close their business from this week, these days we are rush out our production goods for our clients in order to finish everything in time. Last week,one of my clients from Italy has finished inspected 4500pcs cosmetic bags,client is satisfy with our good quality,and we planing to delivery goods on tomorrow…I am sure we will have a rush hour in the following new week…as I still have 10 orders need to delivery within this week. The time is very tight for me.
These years,more and more family have their own auto car, so there is a more easy for workers to order the train ticket,as per my experience,not all of the people will go back to their home town,but there is very little people will have there Chinese new year holiday stay in Shenzhen,in that time, Shenzhen will not as normal be so busy,the road have a very little car,the city will have a few lights in night and very quiet…It’s hardly to buy the fresh fish,meat and vegetables,you’d better go to big super market to buy the foods although it’s more expensive,as you have no other choice. I think Shenzhen should have to have a good rest in these period, as all the year is too busy and too lively… like a man to sleep in night in order to have a better status in tomorrow.
Some people still have to work during the whole holiday,like policeman,doctor,shop keepers,cleaner… we thanks for these people to work for us,because of them,our city become safe,cleanly and lively, as their give up to birdnesting with their family in home tome, maybe you don’t know, there is hardly for Chinese to do it,as Chinese new year holiday is very very important for Chinese, every of us want to go back to home town birdnesting with our family and friends,we are enjoy doing like these,full of happiness,although people some hardly to get a train ticket or some people to take their own motor bicycle to go back home,maybe there will take them 3-5 days,but everyone think it’s worth to do it, we miss our family and friends very much…you can feel it now,don’t you???
China is a big country, the economy is not so good as the city along the coast, so lot of the people left their home tome to work in big city like Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Shenzhen,some people go back to home town only one time in one year, also have a very little people maybe more than 5 years didn’t go back,as they want to achieve their own dream before back back to home town,so they can have more face to meet the family and the friends. Me Venus Wu be no exception,I come from Shaoguan,be working in Shenzhen,I love these two city very much, I will go back to home tome in next Sunday,I will take some pictures to show you how my home town it is,and the people their is very hotheaded,we will show you a warm welcome if you can visit our home tome Shaoguan city which is locate in northern of Guangdong. I will share my happiness with you and let you better understanding how the Chinese have their most important holidays, thanks for your time to read my blogger,hope you like it and focus at me all the time,see you few days latter…
Best regards,
Venus Wu
C: HK Golden Plum Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
A: Room 501, Xinle Building, Mumianwan, Buji, Shenzhen, 518112 China
P: 0086 135 2885 6180
We chat, whatsapp, viber: 0086 135 2885 6180