
China handbag factory tell you what's the difference between the real leather and the fake leather


China handbag factory tell you what's the difference between the  real leather and the fake leather

If we want to buy a leather bag,most of the people would like to choose a real leather bag,but the price is expensive,and the market always have a lot of fake leather,but the sales always said this bag is the real leather although it's a fake leather,in this case,it's better we can know by ourself what is the difference between the real leather and the fake one.

Now let China handbag factory give you some suggestions:

1) if it's ok,to get some fibre of leather and to burn it,the fake one will have a terrible smell,becoming to a hard mess,but the real one will smell like burn hair, and will becoming soft material.

2) we can use our finger to press it:
A:The real one will have a nature skin grain while the fake one didn't.

B: Look at the surface carefully,the real leather have pore and the grain it's not regularly,while the fake one don't have the real pore and the grain it's regularly.

C: The real leather handfeel is soft and elasticity,while the fake one handfeel is hard and not so much elasticity.

3) Use our nose to smell it,all the fake leather have the sence of plastic cement.

4) To compare the grain of each panel,as we know,the factory to make one real leather handbag,cosmetic bag,backpacks,usually will use several pieces leather,so it will have a several kind of grain on the surface,for example,front panel,back panel,side panel will differece,if all these panels with the same grain,that means this is the fake leather.

5)look at the leather surface,fake leather will have a chemical fiber or grain,but the real leather only have pore. 

6)To see the glossiness,the real leather is very soft and nature,but the fake one is very bright and shining.

7) Give some water to the surface,the real leather have pore so it can absorb by itself,but the fake one can't.

8) We can judge it by price,the cost of real leather and the fake one is very difference,if the shop's sales said the real leather handbag is very cheap price,that you should check it carefully.

I am sure that our china handbag factory give you above suggestion can help you to know what is the real leather and what is the fake one,as we are the China handbag supplier,we have ourown factory in shenzhen,if you like this article,please visit our website for more information about us,our website is www.chinahandbagfactory.com
Thanks for you to visit China Handbag Factory.

Best regards,
Venus Wu

C: HK Golden Plum Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
A: Room 501, Xinle Building, Mumianwan, Buji, Shenzhen, 518112 China
P: 0086 135 2885 6180
We chat, whatsapp, viber: 0086 135 2885 6180
E: venuswu@chinahandbagfactory.com


How can buyer to select a correct China Handbag factory


We know, as a professional overseas handbag buyer, to have a correct factory to support our business is very very important, so how can we select a perfect China Handbag factory in a short time?

In China have some place have many many handbag factory,such as Zhejiang,this province economic is very developed,but this place also have a very lot of very small Handbag factory,even if family workshop,only the husband with wife to get the works from a bigger factory which is the company to get the order from abroad,in this case, the bigger company dispatch their order into serval couples,so it's hardly to comtrol the products'quality,maybe there will have more or less difference in one order,although zhejiang's price is very very cheap,but I think if the goods is without the quality,it's hardly for us to get a health businese year by year.

Guangzhou is a nother place also have a lot of Handbag factory,the main customer is Middle East and Africa,which is order's quantity is very big but the price is very cheap,as guangzhou's material market is very developed,it's very easy to source the material which you want,but now these years,the whole world market is not so good,the cheap price press some supplier to buy some 2nd hand or stock material,so some buyer don't like this market

But what I should explain to you is that,zhejiang & guangzhou also have some good factory,you should select it carefully, I only list some case to remind you,just for your reference only.


Shenzhen is a good place for you to be as base place order with factory, as shenzhen is famous by it's goods quality,I have many many clients in Europe,US,Janpan,all of the clients'said there are satisfy shenzhen's quality and service. As shenzhen know's that quality is the life,only the goods quality that can make new blood...


Now let me tell you some of my suggestion that how you can select a correct factory to support your business:
1) Product range,if the factory's produce is simillar to yours.To see factory profession or not.
2) The product quality level,Luxury,high,good,or normal,as we know quality is connect with the price.
3) Factory's customer,this is just for referece,to assist you to better understand factory base.
4) Eastablish years of factory.
5) Factory's area,such as howm any square mmeter.
6) How many workers there have.
7) What the machine the factory have.
8) How is the factory to comtorl the product's quality.
9) The manner of service,such as can factory give us feedback within 24 hours? Can we get the samples within 2-5 days,how many days for production...
10) Does the factory have after service.

As per my apinion,all of above points is very very important to a buyer select a correct factory before cooperations.I with my this Blog can help your business,if you have any more puzzle,please don't mind to contact with me to discuss it,my contact details as list below,thanks.

Best regards,
Venus Wu

C: HK Golden Plum Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
A: Room 501, Xinle Building, Mumianwan, Buji, Shenzhen, 518112 China
P: 0086 136 2099 1544
We chat, whatsapp, viber: 0086 136 2099 1544
E: venuswu@chinahandbagfactory.com
W: www.chinahandbagfactory.com